We strive to provide you with the best options for all of your cultivation needs. We dedicate ourselves to achieving the highest quality yields from our top of the line systems. We focus every resource we have on producing high efficient, high yielding cultivation centers.

Meet the team.



Being in the industry for over 10 years has brought Danny more knowledge than most. He decided to put on the CEO shirt and bring this team together, in order to get the best product out onto the market.


No one fills the position of Chief Operating Officer better than Anthony. Whether it comes to planning your aggressive market penetration, or maybe your 5 year growth plan, Anthony has got you covered.



No one runs a team better than Nathan. As Danny’s go-to guy for running operations across the U.S. Nathan has seen and been through it all. So he knows how to handle any situation.


Mike has over 15 years of cultivation systems and horticultural experience. Which is why he is listed as our top engineer. From system design to feeding, as well as genetics procurement and harvest schedule. Mike will be able to provide you with every step of our sucscessful process for your facility to produce results.